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Henderson Nevada Branch of Patriot Saints
Contact: Christopher Hansen <>
Ph: 702-407-1397; cell: 775-253-0770
The First Christian Fellowship of Eternal Sovereignty
2657 Windmill Pky #107; Henderson, Nevada
In the News
- Man uses
strict faith as defense - Husband says woman shouldn't be
defendant in breast-feeding case (Beacon Journal, Ohio, Jun. 24, 2003) [Article
mentions this web page.]
The Barnhill position is not necessarily reflective of the
Patriot Saints movement, but we support them in their right to stand up for their belief.
(Bradley Jordan; PatriotSaints.com Founder, June 24, 2003.)
Biographical Sketch of Christopher Hansen
Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2001 1:17 PM
Subject: Patriot Saints [.]
My name is Christopher Hansen. I live in Henderson, Nevada. I am very
politically active Christian and have been for 36 years. I have run for office several times doing
quite well for a third party candidate. My family has changed laws and won in court and
administrative hearing. I am currently the Nevada State Chairman of Jail4judges www.nevadajail4judges.org
, on the national Jail4judges board and on the central committee for the Independent American
I am also the founder of The First Christian Fellowship of Eternal Sovereignty. The Fellowship is
open to all Christians. I started it because Abraham Lincoln said and Ezra Taft Benson, Secretary
of Agriculture in the Eisenhower Administration quoted:
Let it [the Constitution] be taught in schools, in seminaries, and in colleges. Let it be
written in primers, in spelling books, and almanacs. Let it be preached from the pulpit,
proclaimed in legislative halls, and enforced in courts of justice. In short, let it become the
political religion of the nation.
I thought I should follow his counsel so I formed the Fellowship about six years ago.
We have written a book, Testament of Sovereignty, and have been able to use its contents in
winning lawsuits and changing laws.
These are just a couple of examples. We have also won against Nevada
OSHA, the IRS, and the Nevada Contractors board. We are currently suing the federal, State and
county government over the restriction created by USC 42 Sec. 666.
I would like to send you a copy of Testament of Sovereignty. I have included the contents
and our basic beliefs. If you would like a copy to review please send me your snail mail address
and I will get it right off to you to share with the group.
Testaments of Truth
Thirteen testaments in honor of the original thirteen united States.
By Christopher Holloman Hansen
". where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty'."
II Cor. 3:17
1. We Recognize as Truth that Jesus Christ is
the "Supreme Judge" of this Nation and that our freedom and unalienable rights
are granted by Him, not by governments; we are therefore authorized by Him to be Sovereigns. (Rev.
1:6 and 5:10)
2. We Recognize as Truth: The Bible, all teachings of Jesus Christ, The Ten
Commandments, The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of the United States,
The Bill of Rights and George Washington’s Farewell Address.
3. We Recognize as Truth that our original Constitutional Government was instituted
by God for the benefit of man. That it was created by "We the People" and their agents,
the Sovereign States, by a contract known as The Constitution of the United States of America.
4. We Recognize as Truth that the federal government is only a contracted agent of
the Sovereign States and that if any branch of the federal government violates that contract the
Sovereign States, acting in unison, severally or individually, have the duty to redress that
violation through State sponsored legislation and enforced action.
5. We Recognize as Truth that if the Sovereign States fail to redress federal
usurpation of power that "We the People" have the "Duty." according to the Declaration
of Independence, and the “rights" and “powers," according to the 9th
and 10th Amendments to act in unison,
severally or as individuals "to throw off that Government law by law (and peacefully if
possible) and to provide new Guards for our future security.
6. We Recognize as Truth that any form of numerical identification or NAME
CHANGE, such as the Social Security Identification Number and/or a NEW SATANIC NAME, of individual
Sovereigns or their children is a direct violation of the First, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, Tenth, and
Thirteenth Amendments to the Constitution and is, either a precursor to or in actuality,
the prophesied numerical satanic "Mark of the Beast" and we reject them on
both legal and religious grounds.
7. We Recognize as Truth that parents are responsible for their children and for
their moral standards, education and religious beliefs and that the proper role of parenthood and
its Biblically sanctioned duties and restrictions are found within the Holy Bible and that
governmental interference with parental authority is in violation of the First Amendment.
8. We Recognize as Truth that no government has the right to force adults or
children (under the direction of their parents) into any form of involuntary servitude, except as
punishment for a crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted by an informed jury.
That involuntary servitude includes, but is not limited to, the forced or coerced indoctrination
or teaching of any kind; and therefore, all "education" must be totally voluntary.
9. We Recognize as Truth that the First Amendment strictly forbids the making of any
law that would prohibit the free exercise of religion and that any government agency promoting the
belief that humanity has no Creator not only infringes on the free exercise of religion but, also
undermines the very basis of our Republic which was founded upon unalienable rights given us by
our Creator. The Eternal Truth is: If we have no Creator we have no rights.
10. We Recognize as Truth that if we, as individuals, knowingly obey any
law that helps to limit our God given Unalienable rights and enslave us, our posterity or any
people, that we are guilty of Crimes against Humanity, as defined by the International Military
Tribunal at Nuremberg, "the true test.is not the existence of the order but whether moral
choice in executing it) 'was in fact possible." We also believe, as stated by Benjamin
Franklin, "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety." We, therefore, cannot tolerate even the slightest loss
of our sovereignty, rights, or freedom and in the words of Thomas Jefferson, “find nothing so
dreadful as voluntary slavery.”
11. We Recognize as Truth that all men are endowed by their
Creator with certain unalienable rights. They include: Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of
Happiness; and that, above all law is the eternal difference between right and wrong; and that, we
are personally responsible for our own actions. Ignorance is not a defense against the decree of
this Higher Law but knowledge of this Higher Law more fully condemns the educated.
12. We Recognize as Truth that the War Powers Act, Presidential
Executive Orders Article I and IV Tribunals, the General Welfare Clause and the Commerce Clause of
the Constitution have been blatantly misconstrued and abused by all three branches of the
federal government so that they may intentionally abrogate Constitutional limits in order to
advance their ever growing tyrannical power.
13. We Recognize as Truth that freedom is not merely the right to
choose, but that, freedom is the result of right choices; that freedom is not free
and that "We the People" must be eternally valiant, vigilant and perform “Exploits”
(Dan. 11:32) if we are to regain our freedoms anti-constitutionally pillaged and plundered by the
United States federal government and its agents and assignees including but not limited to: The
New World Order, United Nations, Federal Reserve, IRS, SSA, OSHA, EPA, BATF, DEA, NEA and BLM;
and/or also confiscated, abandoned and/or forfeited by our State governments.
Foreword: Political
Chapter 1: Introduction to
Chapter 2: Doctrinal & Organizational
Explanations 17
Main objective of The First Christian Fellowship of Eternal Sovereignty * This is a Christian
Nation * Armor of God * Mark of the Beast * Multiple Church or Fellowship Memberships *
Organization of the Fellowship * Meetings
Chapter 3: Testaments Of
Thirteen testaments in honor of the original thirteen united States
Chapter 4: Origins of the Fellowship
Miraculous Resurrection * Alexander Hamilton’s Christian Constitutional Society * Witnesses
of America’s Christian history
Chapter 5: Invitation to
An Invitation to devout Christian patriots * Know your God and do Exploits * Scripture
references *Application for membership
Chapter 6: Declaration of
Free yourself from Satanic influence
Chapter 7: Divine Intervention in
Scriptural attestations and other historical accounts of Divine intervention * Gideon *
Columbus * Bullet proof George Washington * Other Testimonies
Chapter 8: Sovereign
Introduction to the Hymnal * All Creatures of our God and King * Amazing Grace * America The
Beautiful * Am I a Solider of the Cross * A Mighty Fortress is Our God * Battle Hymn of the
Republic * Before Jehovah’s Awesome Throne * Christ the Lord is Risen Today * Do What Is Right *
Faith of Our Fathers * God of Our Father’s,Whose All Mighty Hand * How Firm a Foundation *Master
the Tempest is Raging * I Know that My Redeems Lives * My Country ‘Tis of Thee * Onward
Christian Soldiers *Rejoice the Lord is King * The Star Spangled Banner * We Are All Enlisted *
Rock of Ages
Chapter 9: Declaration of Taking Up Arms, 1775
Introduction * Duty bound to support liberty * The Declaration * Divine Author of our
existence * Our attachment to no nation should supplant our attachment to liberty * infamy and
guilt of resigning succeeding generations to hereditary bondage
Chapter 10: The Declaration of
Introduction * Failure of government education * Chipping away at our freedom * The
Declaration * Endowed by their Creator * Unalienable Rights * Long train of abuses * Appeal to the
Supreme Judge of the world * A heavenly banner
Chapter 11: The Constitution A Glorious
Introduction * A presidential candidate speaks * A nation of kings and priests * The
Constitution * Preamble * Article I * Article II * Article III * Article IV * Article V * Article
VI * Article VII * In the year of our Lord
Chapter 12: The Bill of Rights
Amendments I * II * III * IV * V * VI * VII * VIII * IX * X
Chapter 13: “Welfare” . . . Theft of a
Verbicide * Definition of “welfare” * 1904 Century Magazine * Roosevelt’s
usurpation * concept of welfare * “absurdity” * Education, a function of
Christianity * Christianity is perfectly republican
Chapter 14: Declaration of Religious
Firstfruits * Mark of the Beast * burden of proof * Render to Caesar * A Defence of Liberty
Against Tyrants * The Father of the United States Constitution * Duties to God * Abuse of
power * scripture reference
Chapter 15: Conspiracy Against Personal
I care not who makes the law * Federal Reserve Bank * Invisible government * Colonel House *
Chapter 16: Blood
A brick of gold or a canteen of water * What is money? * Quotes on money *
Assassinations * Den of thieves * Resolution * United States Note
Chapter 17: Deception: Religion of the
This man's religion is vain * deceiving and being deceived * There cannot be a separation of
church and state * Politics of Witchcraft * Demonic arts controlling the highest seats of
government * The Religion of Socialism * two places only where socialism will work *
Heinrich Himmler * Socialist ideology is loftier than Christianity * A useless pile of
sects * Roosevelt’s Socialist Religion * marked by sexual indiscretion * Ecology: the new
secular religion * Caesar offered this same compromise * Charles Darwin: The False Prophet of
Anti-Science * a minor twentieth century religious sect * The goal of Darwinism * sacred
domains called laboratories
Chapter 18: A Birthright Sold for
Esau and Jacob, BOWEN v. ROY, Spanish American War, belonging to the United States but not a
part of the United States
Chapter 19: Historical
Sam, John and John Q. Adams * Benjamin Franklin * Patrick Henry *
Thomas Jefferson *James Madison * George Washington * Noah Webster *
Daniel Webster * Virtue and Morality * The Importance of Knowledge to
Liberty * Keep and Bear Arms * The Cost of Liberty * General Interest *
Of Special IRS Interest * Money
Chapter 20: Maxims of
Ignorance of the Law * Thoughts on law * Maxims * Definitions
Chapter 21: Sovereign
Introduction * American Aristocracy * To all freedom loving young people * Voluntary
Slavery * Uncle Oliver * Christ is in Christmas * Let His Kingdom Come * Woe to Whoredom * Theory
un-American * Response to Mr. Pickering, an Atheist * Population Control Nonsense * The Carrion of
Human Flesh Portrayed * Animal Farm * Mixing religion with politics * Horse slaughter decried by
fools * Horse Worship * Ad Nauseum * Pledged Allegiance to the Flag * No Other God Before Me * My
Friend Jefferson * A New Revolution * Duty * To All Those Americans Who Love Freedom In the Year
of Our Lord? * To Swear or Not to Swear that is the Question * Sovereign Marriage * 5 Reasons Why
Christians Should Not Obtain a State Marriage License * Sovereign Brother * The I.R.S. and The
Church * Congress Must Feel the Heat * Situational Ethics * Americans: Tax Slaves to world * 500
Nations * Senate Prayer
Chapter 22: Inspirational
Writings 250
The Price They Paid * Freedom’s Bell * A Visitor From the Past * The War Inevitable * Be
Strong * Prolamation. A National Thankgiving * What will you do without freedom? * The Gettysburg
Address * Saint Crispian Day’s Speech * The Swine Principle * Eternal Principles to Ponder *
Round Prints In The Sand * Shake It Off And Step Up * There Are No Guarantees * Alexander’s
Chapter 23: The Two United
Introduction * Why Federal Law Doesn't Apply To You * The geographical United States *
Follow the money * United States defined
Chapter 24 : Jury
The purpose of a jury * Jurors' Handbook * Jurors Must Know Their Rights * The Evolution of
Jury Power * US. Department of Justice Civil Division
Chapter 25: Historical
The Ten Commandments * Magna Carta * The Mayflower Compact * Virginia Declaration of Rights
1776 * Articles of Capitulation * King George III's Laments the Loss of America * A Contract
Between the King of France and the Thirteen United States of North America * 1783 PARIS PEACE
TREATY * Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union * The Northwest Ordinance * Virginia
Resolution * Kentucky Resolution of 1799 * Draft Declaration and Protest of the Commonwealth of
Virginia * Declaration of Intergovernmental Dependence of 1937 * State of Nevada Senate Joint
Resolution No. 1 * The Jarbidge Declaration of Sovereignty
Chapter 26: Historical
George Washington First Inaugural Address * Second Inaugural Address * Farewell Address * John
Adams Inaugural Address * Thomas Jefferson First Inaugural Address * Second Inaugural Address
*James Madison First Inaugural Address
Chapter 27: Noah
America’s Forgotten Founding Father Noah Webster, The Anniversary of the Declaration of
Chapter 27:
Page last updated June 25, 2003