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Patriot Saints Directory
Related Sites
Directory Categories:
'Patriot'-'Saint' Sites • Conservative
Directories • News Services • Radio • Streaming
Video • Alternate
Economy • Activist • Militia • Survival
• Pro-Life • Studies • Understanding
the Law • Exposing the NWO • Schmoozing
• Contacting Points of Influence
See also:
Great Documents Related to Patriot Saints
- - Unifying and streamlining
the patriot movement worldwide.
- RemnantSaints.com - For the survival of the Lord's
- CuttingEdge.org - Spiritual Insights into the New
World Order
- Patriotist.com - Conservative commentary, tools for
positive political action; editor: Lewis J. Goldberg.
- Wallbuilders.com - David Barton's site promotes
Christian involvement in the political process for maintaining freedom.
- Patriot.org - "Dedicated to the
rediscovery of the founding principles upon which this republic, the United States of America,
was established."
- ThePatriot.com - with Mel
Gibson, by Columbia Pictures
- KingomGospel.com
- Links to church perspective on government and prohecy.
- CatholicCounterpoint.com - Touches on
conspiracies against God, the Church and the USA
- Zion's Camp - LDS patriot militia
- LDScitizens.com - A
virtual (and fairly benign) community dedicated to LDS involvement in political and civic
- Saints.com - "A comprehensive
guide to religious saints, from St. Aidan to Pope St. Zosimus" (not the usage of the word
"saint" we employ here, applying it much more broadly)
- American Patriot Alliance (APA) -
Commenced 9-11-01.
- RightBot.com - Search Engine of Conservative Sites
- FreedomROX.org - wide selection of main issue coverage
- U.S.A. Patriotic/Militia/Anti-NWO
- Political Information.com
- DataMorf's Links Page - on home computer -- too
much for Canadian ISPs.
- 'Eagles Up' Award List - Excellence
award given to the most outstanding, conservative, newsworthy web sites for their timely
contribution to the knowledge of the TRUTH in politics, finance, government, and world affairs.
- Conspiracy Books list @
- NORFED. Liberty Dollar now in circulation since
1998 by the National Organization for the Repeal of the Federal Reserve Act and the Internal
Revenue Code.
- AnthonyHargis.com - Presents alternate
banking system to Federal Reserve.
- Remnant Saints Consecration
- 'they did have all things in common.'
- GiveMeLiberty.org - operation enduring patriotism =
legislation requiring the teaching of the Constitution and principles of freedom.
- "Modern Declaration of
Liberty" petition
- NoEthics.org - The Committee to Expose Dishonest
and Incompetent Attorneys and Judges
- Give Me Liberty of Give Me Death
- Jeff Head's writings, links, evidence
- United America Party
-- Patriot Alliance
- American Patriot Alliance (APA) -
Commenced 9-11-01
- Grassroots Tools
- TheLibertyCommittee.org - congressional
conservative caucus
- ConservativePetitions.com
- The Constitution Party of Kentucky
- Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Forum legislative action,
defense of the family
- AntiShyster.com - America's legal reform movement.
- John Birch Society - The best organized movement that bravely
states that there is a conspiracy to overthrow the constitution.
- Jail4Judges Watchdog site calls for accountability
in the judicial system.
- SaveOurScouts.com
- Vote-Fraud.org - Citizens for a Fair Vote Count
- TedGunderson.com - 'Take back America now.' Former
presidential candidate.
- American state senator Jack Metcalf
- Wants to restore to the U.S. congress its power to create money and abolish the Federal
(private, not federal) Reserve (not a reserve).
- PartiConstitutionnel.net (English)
- Le Parti constitutionnel de France; for the implementation of the ten commandments and U.S.
Constitution principles in France' government.
- Teesdale.com - view awesome flash
presentation on gun control
- Medusa File - 100 things you can
do to save freedom
- GreaterThings.com - constitution studies, 666
studies, Davidic Servant, Concentration Camps, Microchips, Clinton's Treason, Visions, patriot
- GulfWarVets.com - links to media blackout,
forbidden information to the public, get informed
- NewNetizens.com - "Up-to-date information on
Government conspiracies and cover-ups, exposing the Global Domination scheme of the United
Nations and the Illuminati."
- KilroyWasHere.org - There was a Kilroy, and he
helped defeat the Nazis. Lessons for today.
- The Cutting Edge - "Spiritual insights into the New
World Order so startling you will never look at the news the same way again."
- The Final Phase - Ramifications of Sept. 11 in
gearing for NWO police state
- AboveTopSecret.com - FEMA secret powers expose,
Area 51, UFOs, mind control
- What is Happening -
prophecy, commentary, current events, links
- Knowledge = Freedom
- LibertyStudy.org - 14 congressman, including
Representatives Ron Paul and Helen Chenoweth, who are deeply concerned about the sell-out of
American freedoms and our vulnerability to our enemies.
- Home Page of your servant, Wu Siu Yan - Hong
Kong patriot saint
- Constitution.org - The Constitution Society -
publishes documentation, engages in litigation, and organizes local citizens groups to work for
- Zionosphere.org - "Dedicated to
building a Zion Society upon the earth according to the revelations of God." Links to
relevant law and word of the Lord sites.
- National Center for Constitutional Studies (NCCS) -
Cleon Skousen's think tank, educational resources.
- Social Security Number Not Required -
documentation and unbridling tips
- TeamLaw.org - claimed to be shady by TeamLaw
Warning site
- FIJA -- Fully Informed Jury Association - to inform
citizens about their rights, powers and responsibilities when serving as jurors, restoring the
political function of the jury as an important check and balance in the American system of
- LessonsofthePast.com - Constitution Restoration
- Patriots Chapel - A place to discuss topics of
the gospel and faith, and uplift each other as it pertains to freedom, liberty and natural
- TownHall.com - News, opinion, issues, conservative
directory, forum, chat, radio. 'The Conservative Internet Starts Here.'
- FreedomForum.org nonpartisan, international
foundation dedicated to free press, free speech and free spirit for all people.
This page created by Sterling
D. Allan on August 9, 2000
visits since November 8, 2001
Page last updated on March 05, 2004
LinkExchange contents not
necessarily endorsed by PatriotSaints