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911 Conspiracy
Bush' Complicit Role in 911 Attack
Evidence that George W. Bush not only knew of attack
in advance, but had been in on its planning and its intended outcome.
"I was thinking about what it meant for America to be
under attack. It was an amazing thought." -- President Bush, recalling
what he was thinking about while sitting with the children at Booker
Elementary. (Oct, 2001, California) (ref)
Press Release
- George W. Bush was Complicit with
the 911 Attack on America - Charge of high treason with
documentation, including his deceptive response about what he knew at Booker
Elementary school and a creepy convergence of finance bigwigs at SAC.
(Document presented at press conference Oct. 13, 2004, Utah State Capital.)

The size of the lie is a definite factor in
causing it to be believed, for the vast masses of a nation are in the
depths of their hearts more easily deceived than they are consciously
and intentionally bad. The primitive simplicity of their minds renders
them a more easy prey to a big lie than a small one, for they themselves
often tell little lies, but would be ashamed to tell big lies.
-- Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf" (1925) |
911blimp.com > President
Bush said so himself! - Leading Indicators of U.S. Government
Complicity in 9/11 + CoverUp

Sign Petition > George
W. Bush Charged with High Treason for Complicity in the Attack of 911
- posted by Bradley Jordan Oct. 15, 2003.

Mainstream Press
- - Gives list of
evidence to support a "planned demolition" model, including
the "squib" puffs preceding the point of building descent. (Deseret
News; Nov. 10, 2005)
- Audience
gasps as judge likens election of Bush to rise of Il Dulce - A
prominent federal judge has told a conference of liberal lawyers that
President Bush’s rise to power was similar to the accession of dictators
such as Mussolini and Hitler. (New York Sun; June 21, 2004)
- Germans Support
Claims That US Plotted 911 - Polls show a fifth of Germans
believe Washington ordered the attacks. Book author states: "If
what I say is right, the whole US government should end up behind
bars." Reported by Kate Connolly (The Telegraph - UK 10-17-3)
- While
America Slept (Time SPECIAL REPORT) - What Bush knew before
9/11; Why so little was; How the system is still broken. (May 27, 2002)
- Clinton Warned
Bush of bin Laden Threat
Said Osama bin Laden was the biggest security threat the United States
faced. (Reuters; Oct. 16, 2003)
- Iraq Invasion Planned
Long Before 911 - Former treasury secretary Paul O'Neil says
invasion of Iraq was planned the first days of the Bush
Administration, in an exclusive interview on "60 Minutes." (Jan
10, 2004.)
A Creepy Convergence
- Bush
and Buffett in Cahoots on 911? - Before the attack commenced,
the world's second most wealthy man was already at the U.S. Strategic
Command headquarters where G.W. Bush flew later that day for
"safety." As the attack began, Anne Tatlock was already
en route to this same location. She arrived at the base to join
Buffet in time to watch the second plane make a direct hit on the tower
precisely where her office complex was located.
Bush and Booker Elementary School Appearance
While America was under attack, the President was visiting an
elementary school, pretending like nothing was happening and that he knew
nothing; while documented evidence proves otherwise.
- On
9/11, a Telling Seven-Minute Silence - Interpreting the President's
Image in Crisis (Washinton Post; June 19, 2004)
- "An
Interesting Day": President Bush's Movements and Actions on 9/11
(By Allan Wood and Paul Thompson)
- Bush Knew, and Did Nothing -
timeline and images from morning of 911.

- Did Bush
See Plane? - discusses controversy of Bush statement and timing of
My take: He wanted people to think it was the first plane he saw (which
would have been impossible because that did not air until the next day),
which would have given him more excuse to not pay much attention and proceed
with his planned schedule; whereas if he admitted it was the second plane he
saw, no one would understand why he kept on with the trivial photo-op.
- Bush knew
terrorist attack was underway *before* motorcade left hotel
(by Illarion Bykov and Jared Israel)
Given that George Bush and his staff knew a terrorist attack
was underway *before* their motorcade left their hotel (the Colony Beach and
Tennis Resort) why did he show up at the Booker School that day?
- Bush Gets Tangled
in his 9-11 Lies -- Part I
A Strange White House Press Conference.
(by Jared Israel and Francisco Gil-White)
- Bush Gets Tangled
in his 9-11 Lies -- Part II
White House Cover-up Creates more Problems than it Solves
(by Jared Israel and Francisco Gil-White)
- The President as
Incompetent Liar
Inconsistencies of Bush's Claim that he Saw TV Footage of 1st Plane Hitting
(by Jared Israel and Francisco Gil-White)
- George W. Bush
Betrayed Consciousness of Guilt on 9-11
(by Francisco Gil-White and Jared Israel)
- Video Tape of
Booker Elementary Engagement - has been edited down in length.
- CBS News
Interview with Pres. Bush about 911 Morning - CBS helps him portray his
intentional 'alibi.' (CBS
on Bush on 911)
Other Reports
- Richard Clarke Testifies that Bush
Was Amply Warned of Pending Major Attack by Al Qaeda
Interview on NPR March 24, 2004 and book: Against All
- 9-11
Probe Continues To Bypass Executive Branch Testimony
Tom Flocco documents the astonishing bypassing of the White
House in 911 investigations.
- Was Bush Complicit
with the 911 Attack?
- Did Bush
See Second Plan Crash?
Timing and statement don't coincide; implying detailed
- The
Case for Bush Administration Advance Knowledge of 9-11 Attacks (Michael
Rupert) May 18, 2002
- Cheney's Role In 911 Put
On Center Stage By British MP
For the first time, a prominent British political figure has
aired his suspicions, that the group around U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney
may have intentionally caused, or allowed to happen, the mega-terrorism in
New York and Washington on Sept. 11, 2001, to set into motion an era of
neo-imperial wars. (Rense.com Sept. 19, 2003)
- What
George W. Bush Knew Before The 911 attacks
- President
Bush was Behind Katrina? Salt Lake City Deluge Coming Soon - U.S.
Black Ops and other colluding extra-government shadow-entities have obtained
significant mastery of weather engineering after decades of practice. The
same cabal that brought us 911 has now brought us Katrina, to push the U.S.
and the rest of the world closer to Marshall law. Coming target: Salt Lake
City? (Greater Things News; Sept. 6, 2005)
Rapper Jadakiss, In
New Song Lyric, Suggests Bush Complicity in 911 - In his new song
titled "Why?", Jadakiss asks "Why did Bush knock down the
towers?" (CounterBias.com; May 22, 2004) |
See also
Not Directly Related to 911
- George
W. Bush's Resume - highlights of Bush's unsavory record-setting
Index created by SDA
on Oct. 12, 2003
Last updated on May 14, 2006