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911 Conspiracy
U.S. Govt. Intelligence is Purposely Lying When it Says it Was Caught by Surprise.
They knew, and Government-Business-Media insiders know they
It was a blatant case of premeditated failure.
Video! |
"The Truth & Lies of
Truth & Lies of 9-11 The tape that is quietly taking the country by storm. More
than 3500 copies sold since February 1. Special appearances by Reps. Cynthia McKinney,
Ron Paul and Barbara Lee. Documents showing U.S. foreknowledge of 9-11 attacks. The
war for oil and drug money. Order
See also
- Bush' Complicit Role in 911 Attack
Key Overview Sites
Recent Mainstream Press Coverage
Reports that unfold many of the clues to which the U.S. Government was privy, which would have
tipped them to likelihood of the 911 events, and which certainly do not allow them to say 911
caught them "completely by surprise" as they falsely claim.
- While
America Slept (Time SPECIAL REPORT) - What Bush knew before 9/11; Why so little
was; How the system is still broken. (May 27, 2002)
- Foreign
Acts Were Clues To Terror (AP) - A plan to crash a plane into CIA headquarters was
exposed after an arrest in the Philippines, etc. (May 19, 2002)
- Attack
Foreseen in 1999 (AP) - Two years before the Sept. 11 attacks, an analysis
prepared for U.S. intelligence warned that Osama bin Laden's terrorists could hijack an airliner
and fly it into government buildings such as the Pentagon. (May 18, 2002)
- Can
We Stop the Next Attack? (Time cover story) - Seeks to portray the intelligence
shortfall as a case of bumbling due to massive amounts of leads and possible scenarios.
- Open Letter to Attorney
General John Ashcroft ()
Further proof of prior knowledge (eight months) of the U.S. government of pending
9-11 terrorist attack using hijacked airliners. By Ted L. Gunderson, retired Senior
Special Agent in Charge of the FBI's Memphis, Dallas and Los Angeles divisions. (Aug. 29, 2003)
- 'There is a fighter in the area. Should we engage?' - Sept.
03 analysis.
- The Case for Bush
Administration Advance Knowledge of 9-11 Attacks (Michael Rupert) May 18, 2002
- Did
We Know What Was Coming? (The New American) - The September 11th terrorist attacks
required extensive planning. Our intelligence services knew enough to have responded better.
complicit on September 11? (StraightGoods) - An interview with Michael Springman
exposes the CIA's links with the terrorist attacks on September 11. (Jan. 19, 2002)
admits foreknowledge of 9/11 (OnlineJournal) - quotations for CIA publication, along
with commentary.
- Government
screw-ups: Accidental or deliberate? (WND) - Joseph Farah wants heads to roll for
failure to warn U.S. of impending attack (Oct. 19, 2001)
- Could
We Have Prevented the Attacks? (The New American) During the 1990s, the FBI uncovered
clues indicating that bin Laden was planning to attack America with hijacked airliners. (Nov. 5,
2001 issue)
- German
Cabinet Minister Denounces WTC Coverup (Berlin Tagesspiegel daily, Jan. 13, 2002)
Sampling of Evidence
Warned on Training Before 11th (AP) [back-up
copy] - Two months before 911 an FBI agent in Arizona alerted Washington headquarters that
several Middle Easterners were training at a U.S. aviation school. (5/3/02)
- U.S.
Warned In 1995 Of Plot To Hijack Planes, Attack Buildings (CNN) - The FBI was
warned six years ago of a terrorist plot to hijack commercial planes and slam them into the
Pentagon, the CIA headquarters and other buildings. (9/18/01)
- OKC Bombing:
Precursor to 9-11? (The New American) - Evidence links the OKC bombing to Middle
Eastern terrorists, and the failure of officials to examine this evidence in 1995 may have set
the stage for the September 11th attacks. (Jan. 28, 2002)
- Washington
Was 'Warned Of Hijack Risk' (Telegraph UK) - The American government was
warned eight years ago that the Pentagon and White House were vulnerable to attack from hijacked
jets. (9/13/01)
- Israeli
Security Issued Urgent Warning To CIA Of Large-scale Terror Attacks (Telegraph UK)
- Two senior experts with Mossad were sent to Washington in August to alert the CIA and FBI to
the existence of a cell of as many of 200 terrorists said to be preparing a big operation.
- June 23,
2001 National Air Traffic Controllers Association issued warning, specifying airline terror
plot "Project Bojinka," Bin Laden and terrorists: "The airlines are at risk --
They need to take all appropriate measures and counter-measures to ensure the safety of their
passengers" (mirror
- Egypt's Mubarak Warned US Of Attack 12 DAYS
Before 911 (Rense.com) - Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak says he warned the U.S.
that "something would happen" 12 days before the September 11 terror attacks on NY and
Washington. (Dec. 17, 2001)
- pre-911:
West spurned Sudan's terror files (Observer.uk) - Security chiefs on both sides of
the Atlantic repeatedly turned down the chance to acquire a vast intelligence database on Osama
bin Laden and more than 200 leading members of his al-Qaeda terrorist network in the years
leading up to the 11 September attacks. (10/16/01)
- '93 WTC bomber held warning (World Tribune) - Ramzi Yusef had blueprint for hijackings,
suicide crashes (9/16/01)
- - Suppression of Flight School warnings by higher
authority in the FBI (10/12/01)
- This Was Not An Intelligence
Failure (Michael C. Ruppert with From the Wilderness) - includes the following
- Germany - On September 14, the German newspaper Frankfurter
Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) reported that "U.S. and Israeli intelligence agencies
received warning signals at least three months ago that Middle eastern terrorists were
planning to hijack commercial aircraft to use as weapons to attack important symbols of
American and Israeli culture."
- Russia - A former CIA officer told FTW that, according to a Russian newspaper article,
Russian intelligence had notified the U.S. government of the attacks. They even stated that
they were aware that 25 pilots had been specifically trained for the suicide missions.
- Russia - On September 15, Russian president Valdimir Putin told interviewers on MS-NBC
that the Russian government had been warning the U.S. of imminent attacks on airports and
government buildings in the strongest possible terms for weeks.
- France - On September 13, Reuters reported, "The FBI arrested an Islamic militant in
Boston last month and received French intelligence reports linking him to Saudi-born
dissident Osama bin Laden but apparently did not act on them, a French radio station said on
- "Europe 1 radio reported that U.S. police arrested a man with dual French and
Algerian nationality who had several passports, technical information on Boeing aircraft and
flight manuals.
"The man had been taking flying lessons, it added.
"Asked for information by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, French security services
provided a dossier clearly identifying him as an Islamic militant working with bin
- The United States - Several press reports confirm the writing of veteran journalists
Alexander Cockburn and Jeff St. Clair in their Sept. 14 issue of Counterpunch. "Reports
kept coming in to us of advanced warnings that an attack of some sort was eminent [sic]. San
Francisco Mayor Willie Brown was booked to fly from the Bay area to New York City on the
morning of September 11. But Brown says that late Monday evening, a full 8 hours prior to
the attack, he received a call from a person brown described as his airport security man
telling him that he should be extra cautious about air travel on September 11."
- The Financial Markets - Cockburn and St. Clair report, "In addition to what we have
previously reported about heightened security at the World trade center itself in the weeks
leading to the attack and at the Picatinny Arsenal in Rockaway, New Jersey, Counterpunch has
also learned that internal memo was sent around Goldman Sachs in Tokyo on September 10
advising all employees of a possible terrorist attack. It recommended all employees to avoid
any American government buildings."
- Morgan Stanley, the largest tenant of the WTC complex lost none of its 3500 employees
occupying some 50 floors according to The Washington Post. Neither did Oppenheimer Funds.
A Word About Promis Software (Ruppert) -
Designed to ferret out intelligence info; would have sent up major red flags as Sept. 11
approached. (Sept. 24, 2001)
Usually overbooked flights were
25% - 30% booked - terrorists bought up many seats so fewer people to overpower -- another
tip-off for intelligence.
- Hijack
suspect was wanted man (WND) - U.S. denied Israel's request for extradition
- (Julian) - U.S. - Canadian border security ultra high three
days leading up to Sept. 11 attack. Govt. was expecting something.
hunt for hijackers started last month (LA Times) - Men linked to USS Cole blast, bin
Laden discovered in U.S. (9/16/01)
- (Konformist.com) - disturbing anonymous interview with insider.
Intelligence Advisor January 2000 - spoke of government's awareness of pending massive
attack of some kind
Prior of knowledge BioAttack from Broadcast 5 years ago. Larry W. Harris
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Index created by SDA
on September 27, 2001
Last updated on October 24, 2003
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