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You are here: Patriot Saints > News > Breaking > Queens Crash Eyewitness Accounts Point to Sabotage
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Queens Crash Eyewitness Accounts Point to Sabotage

Off duty pilot describes explosion, fire, and tumbling of plane from sky.

Private Source: Contact of
Nov. 12, 2001

At 11 AM, CBS Brian Gumball interviewed a pilot that has flown that route to the Dominican Republic in that very type of aircraft . He was off duty and the plane came down near where he lived. He actually went out to see what was wrong because from the sound he knew something was wrong. He was a witness. He -Mr. Mernenis said there were two or three explosions, he saw the engine fly off one way and the wing separated and went another way. Other witnesses say they saw the same thing.

The plane was at say 1000 to 2000 ft. tops 3 miles away then came down in a spin and hit 4 miles away.

Another witness at a further distance away heard no explosions and said only the engine came off.

Witnesses that did not hear explosions in the sky  were all inside buildings looking through windows. Witnesses that heard explosions in the air were outside and close to the flight path.

I'll take the testimony off the off-duty pilot.

Another witness saw the plane after the engine came off at 500 ft the whole wing on right in flames and said it pitched left rolled and nose dived straight down.

I was an aviation mechanic and on flight crews where both reciprocal and jet engines went out and we flew for hundreds of miles.on the other engine.

I tell you this was sabotage. It was either hit by a low altitude heat seeking missile or a Taliban sympathizer that worked in maintenance put something up in the engine.

They are trying to keep the stock market from panicking. And the collapse of the already faltering aviation and related industries.

Something is very fishy here. I think it was sabotaged.

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Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 9:54 AM
Subject: RE: Off-duty Pilot Eyewitness Account Points to Sabotage

I heard on NPR this morning (National Public Radio) that these engine are the same engines that are on AirForce One
They don't just blow up on their own!  I agree on your two possible scenarios.perhaps a maintenance worker.  On the news, they were describing how these planes are built to where the wings can not fall apart.  They were showing test that the wings are all one metal unit and can be folded upwards to where the wings can touch tip to tip.
What ever happened with the Israeli Jetliner that went down over the Chechen mountains and discounted as an accident?
"End of story, no new here."
Question:  What would be the advantage of not labeling this as part of the terrorist war?  Perhaps not creating more of an internal panic in the public and or keeping the Stock Market afloat a little longer?

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