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You are here: Patriot Saints > Branches > Coordinator Tools > Starting a Branch
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Starting a Branch

Sign up

"Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there will I be also"

"Then they that feared [reverenced] the Lord met often one with another."


What does it entail?

Beginning a branch is really not that complicated conceptually, though it will take a lot of determination to overcome some of the obstacles that are bound to arise.

Basically you become the catalyst for bringing together patriot saints of like mind in your local area for the purpose of fellowship, discussion, activity, preparation, and implementation of the kingdom of God on earth. 

"Patriot Saints" is a fairly large umbrella, so be prepared to learn to get along with some fairly diverse -- and strong-willed -- people.  Remember that the purpose is not to agree on everything but to learn of one another's gifts and benefit from the diversity that comes in the body of Christ.  Though discussions may get lively, there must be no contention, for it drives away the Spirit of God.


What does it entail?

Sign up

Create a Page for Your Branch

Getting Organized

Some Advice



See also

-- list of branches
-- coordinator resources
-- already have a group?

Getting Organized

You provide us with a point of contact where new people from your area can get in touch with you.  [click here for sign-up form]  We will post that on this web site under "Branches."

While the website may occasionally direct an interested person your way, most of the work will need to be done by you to identify, contact, and invite people from your area.

You are in charge of scheduling meetings, activities, as you and those who participate see fit.

Remember that the purpose of the group is not to wake people up but is designed to be a gathering point for those who are already awake.  Therefore, the most appropriate meeting format is to have discussions, perhaps on a given topic chosen prior to the meeting.  But flexibility should be allowed so that the Spirit of the Lord can guide.


Some Advice

Though you might only know a handful of likeminded people, and only a portion of them will show up to the various activities you schedule, remember that each of these patriot saints in turn knows other patriot saints.  This networking is where you will get the most productive leads:  friends telling friends.

Be patient.  Don't get discouraged by low numbers.  There are not a lot of us around.  Second, many who are like-minded for one reason or another resist showing up to meetings with other people.  Maybe they were part of a failed commune attempt.  Maybe they were sucked into a cult for a while and are timid about anything that looks even close to what they experienced before.

Focus on quality, rather than quantity, and the reputation will eventually build and carry your chapter.  Remember that many will stand at arms length just observing, maybe telling others once in a while, but eventually decide to go for it after they feel confident enough.



We have a page here listing resources you may find helpful as you move forward.

First, we hope you will find this website to be a valuable resource.

Second, communication is an important tool in your success.  You will want to have an e-mail as well as regular mailing and phone number list of those who participate.  But we do not want you to pass that information on to us.  The more local we keep this, the more difficult it will be for any enemies to try and destroy it.

Depending on how many people you have in your area, you may think about creating an e-mail discussion group or bulletin board.

Also, those from your branch who wish can subscribe to the patriot saints newsletter.

Finally, don't hesitate to give us a phone call if you have any questions.

-- return to Branch Coordinator Resources --

See also

Sister Organizations


This page created on August 9, 2000
Last updated on June 06, 2002

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