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You are here: Patriot Saints > Branches > USA > Utah > Sanpete Valley > Formalizing 2002
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Formalizing Sanpete Valley Patriot Saints Branches

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** Prospective Member Invitations **
January 18, 2002

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To: all patriot saints in the Sanpete Valley, Utah area.
(Please be discrete with this information.  You may selectively forward to fellow patriot saint contacts in the area, after you have read the message and are familiar with its contents and purpose.)
Subject: IMPORTANT: Formalizing Sanpete Valley Patriot Saints Branches
Sub theme: You are being considered a potential member of a local Patriot Saints branch.
Bookmark this page for updates.
Mark your calendar with these dates:
(1) Sunday, January 27, 7:00 PM Patriot Saints introductory overview, Sterling &Cheri Allan residence (address below)
or Friday, February 1, 7:00 PM Patriot Saints introductory overview (repeat)
(2) Sunday, February 10, 7:00 PM mission statement adoption preliminary; Allan residence
or Friday, February 22, 7:00 PM mission statement adoption preliminary (repeat)
(3) other meetings as necessary, including individual branch meetings.
(4) March 28 -- proposed election day.
Dates and location are subject to change.  Consult web page above or contact below for confirmation.
RSVP would be appreciated.
We are beginning to formally organize the Patriot Saints branches in Sanpete Valley, Utah.
A "branch" of Patriot Saints is the most local unit of free government, where most all functions are taken care of.  As the organization grows, the branches will become more and more local so that ultimately their boundaries will be defined by neighborhoods rather than towns or counties.
Presently there are three branches in the area (see updated list at the above web page).  More could be formed during this time, or existing branches may decide to merge.
There are basically five things that we propose to happen in the next two to three months.  Each of these will be discussed in more length below.
Each branch in the valley needs to
(1) approve a mission statement
(2) gather membership
(3) elect a branch coordinator
(4) decide if the branch want to affiliate with Remnant Saints Inter-Continental Congress with its governing body: Remnant Saints Inter-Continental Congress (RSICC)
(5) if so, approve representatives from the branch to serve on RSICC.
We want to give people time to think through the mission statement, offer amendments, and for individuals to be nominated as branch coordinators.
Sooner or later, the branches in the valley can decide whether or not they want to affiliate one with another on a regional level and appoint coordinators for that affiliation.
The first and second steps are inter-related because the approval of a mission statement will be dependant on the make-up of the membership; and the membership will be dependant on the content of the mission statement.
The most broad point of gathering is the name: "Patriot Saints," conveying the idea of individuals who are exemplars, defenders and promoters of both freedom and the gospel.
What that means, specifically, is left up to each branch to decide; with the hope that the definitions will not become so narrow as to exclude individuals who really ought to be part of the group.
RSICC has adopted the following broad definition for 'saint.'
One whose heart has been changed by God, and who seeks diligently to walk according to the indwelling of the Spirit of God.
RSICC has also presented a suggested mission statement for Patriot Saints branches as well as for the Patriot Saints organization as a whole.
Our local branches may or may not choose to adopt that as their own.
The first meeting will be to discuss that document and the documents to which it makes reference.
The next meeting is proposed to make finalizing touches on that document.
Voting on the mission statement can be done via the Internet or the postal system.
The gathering of membership can be facilitated via the Internet as well, through the above web page.  Some members may choose not to have their names listed publicly, though they will be part of the organization and could even serve as an officer within the organization.
While the branch is forming, the page listing prospective member nominations can be private, protected online with a username and password.  After the branch has been officially formed, those who wish to have their names public can do so.  Our page is
The username is: ****
The password is: ****
[contact for username and password]
(please be discreet with this information because it allows access to private contact information)
There are two different positions proposed to be presented for a vote in the next two or three months, with a tentative election date of March 28 (first day of Passover).
The first election pending is for Branch Coordinator.
Presently, the following individuals are serving as branch contact points in the area and may or may not wish to be nominated for the official position of branch coordinator.
  • Fountain Green
    Contact: Marlene or Jim Holley <> 435-445-3589
  • Ephraim
    Contact: Sterling or Cheri Allan {about}
    666 S. 60 E., Ephraim, UT 84627
    435-283-6340; FAX 734-468-1314
    member RSICC
  • Richfield
    Contact Kelly or Jean Sharp {about}
    The second election pending is for representation to Remnant Saints Inter-Continental Congress.
    Currently there are three individuals from Sanpete Valley who are members of Remnant Saints Inter-Continental Congress (RSICC).
    Susan Carter, from Manti
    Cheri Allan, from Ephraim
    Sterling Allan, from Ephraim
    Because RSICC is just in its beginning stages, proportionate representation is not yet in place.  Eventually, representation at RSICC, and international organization, will be geographically based with fair proportions to population and other considerations as RSICC may determine.
    If there are other individuals from Sanpete Valley who would like to serve as members of RSICC, they are free to submit applications.
    For now, we are asking that the branches where these current RSICC members reside approve their appointment as representatives.  Otherwise, they cannot be considered 'representatives,' though at this early stage they can still participate as members of RSICC.
    The same will hold true if the branch decides not to affiliate with RSICC at this time, which is their prerogative.
    A branch may also decide that they wish to have a different representative from their branch for RSICC, and may appoint such an individual, so long as the individual is in compliance with RSICC requirements.
    Sterling and Cheri Allan Residence
    666 S. 60 E.
    Ephraim, UT 84627
    directions: behind the new SouthTowne movie theater:
    take 700 South, just south of the theater, take the third street on the left.
    our home is the only one on the left hand side.
    two story, gray stucco
    phone: 435-283-6340
    fax: 734-468-1314
    If you are printing out this message for someone to read who does not have Internet Access, please be sure to include a print-out of at least the following pertinent documents:
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