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Patriot Saints Health
To catalyze local alliances of like-minded individuals, that they might
know what natural and faith healing resources are available to them.
Page Contents:
New • Purpose • Method • Listings
• See also
See also:
Alternative Education Alliance
to Establish Trauma Centers with Alternative Health Modalities - Dream illustrates need
for local alternative health trauma centers, with national and international database of
practitioners for consultation. (July 8, 2003.)
As like-minded patriots (those who love freedom) and saints (those who love the gospel) we take
personal responsibility for our own health and well-being. We realize that though the
medical establishment has its time and place, such as with catastrophic injuries, most health
issues can and should be taken care of by more natural as well as miraculous means.
To facilitate this, we seek to catalyze a local alliance of like-minded individuals, that they
might know what natural healing and faith healing resources are available to them.
At least one person from each general area will serve as a contact point both to create a
directory of local healing talent and possibly post that information in a password-protected web
page. We will be glad to host such pages at this website.
- Central Utah, USA - Alternative health
practitioners in Sanpete and Seveir Counties; Midwives, Herbologists, Massage Therapists.
- Add yours here ()
- Google Directory > Health
> Alternative
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- additional link suggestions welcome (contact
This index created by Sterling
D. Allan on August 26, 2001
Last updated on August 05, 2003
visits since July 8, 2003
LinkExchange contents not
necessarily endorsed by PatriotSaints