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Patriot Saints Introduction
Mission Statement
For the local fellowship of charitable-minded patriot saints and groups, defending freedom and
virtue against its enemies, foreign and domestic, and implementing the kingdom of God through a
grass-roots approach.
Patriot - n. exemplar and advocate of societal
freedom |
Saint - n. exemplar and advocate of the gospel |
August 8, 2000 Message:
Does the name "Patriot Saints" resonate with you?
We didn't invent the phenomenon, we are only serving as a catalyst for recognizing it and
supporting it.
The ideal marriage of church and state under God, promotes the best in each individual by
protecting their freedoms and sanctifying their souls.
The kingdom of God contains both a church and a state element, which ideally work harmoniously.
We believe that the kingdom of God will be established on earth prior to the coming of Jesus
Christ in the clouds with glory, along with the kingdom of heaven which joins the kingdom of God
that has been established on earth.
At the same time, this is Satan's last stand prior to being cast out of the earth along with his
followers. The establishment of a socialist one world government, also called the New World Order,
is the antithesis of what the kingdom of God is about.
We must be separate from her, coming out and gathering as like-minded patriots and saints for the
kingdom of God.
is designed to facilitate that gathering and help implement the kingdom of God on earth.
The PatriotSaints Newsletter likewise is designed to
disseminate information pertinent to this worthy and timely cause.
We do not claim to be the end-all be-all movement, but rather see ourselves as one part of the
body of Christ which has many facets that work together. We seek to become one with all who are
seeking to establish the gospel and government of God on the earth.
Comment on 7/28/00
Some militia people look at how far downhill we have gone in the U.S., say we have gone to far,
and that it is well-nigh time to take our country back -- to restore freedom. They say that
the time for peaceful measures is now past, that it is our right and duty to throw off our
chains. Others are still inclined to continue using the peaceful means yet at our disposal,
and wait for something more drastic such as the confiscation of guns to mark the beginning of
another American revolution.
I would tend to agree with the "we've gone too far" part of that, but the solution that
is settling in my heart is more along the lines of facilitating the establishment of a separate
people. I say "facilitating" because it is a phenomenon that is already taking
place and will continue with or without this movement. I see the formation of a new people
under Christ, including a righteous government element -- our
answer to the new world order -- a separate society against which the powers that be will have no
Nevertheless, even under this approach, I would tend to think that we would interface and be
friends with and even participate to a certain extent with the militia element when the time is
right. But our focus would be to rely upon the power of the priesthood of God far more than
the flintlock.
What do you think?
This page created on August 9, 2000
Last updated on January 15, 2002
LinkExchange contents not
necessarily endorsed by PatriotSaints