911 Conspiracy
Bush Knew and Did Nothing
Reads a story about a girl and her goat at Booker
Elementary, even though he had been apprised of the attacks.

The following has been transcribed from a photo essay
collected from a Flash Presentation at
Context: From the Hotel to the Elementary School
Bush knew and did nothing.
(After 8:45 A.M.) Bush is asked by a reporter "Do you know what's
going on in New York?" He responds that he does, and says he will have
something about it later as he leaves his hotel for Booker Elementary School.
[ABC News, 9/11/01]
(After 8:46 A.M.) Bush will say in a speech later that evening:
"Immediately following the first attack, I implemented our government's
emergency response plans."
Bush's motorcade then leaves for Emma E. Booker Elementary School in
Sarasota, Florida. [8:30 A.M. Washington Post, 1/27/02] Note that the
Washington Post time is incorrect, because of the previous question.
(Before 9:00 A.M.) Following Bush on the way to Booker Elementary
School, a news photographer overhears a radio transmission saying that Press
Secretary Ari Fleischer would be needed on arrival to discuss reports of some
sort of crash. [Christian Science Monitor, 9/17/01]
9:00 A.M. According to the official timeline, only now does White
House Chief of Staff Andrew Card tell Bush a plan has crashed into the World
Trade Center. So, supposedly, Bush learns about this attack 15 minutes after
millions have heard about it on TV, and 5 minutes after he told reporters he
already knew about it.
As Bush arrives at the Booker Elementary School, he is whisked into a holding
room and updated on the situation via telephone by National Security Advisor
Rice. [Christian Science Monitor, 9/17/01, Time, 9/12/01] Why doesn't Bush
cancel his completely meaningless photo-op at the elementary school at this
(9:01 A.M.) Bush later makes the following statement. "And I was
sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the
tower -- the TV was obviously on, and I used to fly myself, and I said, 'There's
one terrible pilot.' and I said, 'It must have been a horrible accident.' But I
was whisked off there -- I didn't have much time to think about it." [CNN,
Given that there actually was no film footage of the first attack on TV until
much later (and no footage of the plane actually hitting the tower), isn't this
a clear lie to make it seem he didn't know what was happening? By 8:38, NORAD
knew that Flight 11 was hijacked, and by 8:43, they knew Flight 176 was
hijacked. As the New York Times points out, they also probably knew Flight 77
was hijacked a few minutes after 8:48. [New York Times, 9/15/01]
So by this time Bush certainly knew two planes were hijacked and headed
toward New York City, and possibly knew of a third hijacking. Yet he can
only think, "There's one terrible pilot"? We know he knew a
hijacked plane crashed into the WTC even before he left the hotel!
Then, in an event noticeable in its absence, as one newspaper put it,
"for some reason, Secret Service agents [do] not bustle him away."
[Globe and Mail, 9/12/01]
At some point shortly after, reporters ask him if he is aware of the two
crashes and explosions. He nods and says he will talk about the situation
later. [CNN, 9/12/01]
Pretending Nothing is Wrong
(9:02 to approx. 9:29 A.M.) Bush reads a story to 18 Booker Elementary
School second-graders about a girl's pet goat.

9:05 A.M. Andrew Card walks up to Bush and whispers in
his ear "A second plane has hit the World Trade Center. America is
under attack." Bush continues with the Goat Story with these
children for at least 7 minutes, and perhaps as long as 18 minutes. Why didn't
he excuse himself from these children right away, and immediately address this
national emergency, is totally unexplainable. [http://www.911timeline.net/]

Bush continues to read about goats. The reason given is that they did
not want to scare the children.

As CNN reported in 1999, "the military planes could not take aim and
pull the trigger unless they received permission from the White House because
only the President has the authority to order a civilian aircraft shot
down." [CNN, 10/26/99]

Any Questions?
9:30 a.m. Bush speaks privately with National Security Adviser Rice,
who briefs him.
9:30 a m. Bush, speaking to the nation from Emma E. Booker Elementary
School in Sarasota, Florida, says the country has suffered an "apparent
terrorist attack" and "a national tragedy." He would chase down,
"those folks who committed this act." Bush also said, "Terrorism
against our nation will not stand."
9:41 a.m. Flight 77 hits Pentagon.
(After 9:41 a.m.) Bush okays the shooting down of any planes refusing
to turn away from Washington. ["after Flight 77 crashed into the
Pentagon," Newsday, 9/23/01, USA Today, 9/16/01]

See also
- On
9/11, a Telling Seven-Minute Silence - Interpreting the President's
Image in Crisis (Washinton Post; June 19, 2004)
- Listen
to Bush's speech, telling of this event
- Video Tape of
Booker Elementary Engagement - has been edited down in length.
- Did Bush
See Plane? - discusses controversy of Bush statement and timing of
My take: He wanted people to think it was the first plane he saw (which
would have been impossible because that did not air until the next day),
which would have given him more excuse to not pay much attention and proceed
with his planned schedule; whereas if he admitted it was the second plane he
saw, no one would understand why he kept on with the trivial photo-op.
(Sterling www.allan2004.com)
- Bush'
Complicit Role in 911 Attack - HIGH TREASON
Page composed by Sterling
D. Allan on Oct. 12, 2003
Last updated on June 20, 2004