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911 Conspiracy
Civil Rights Casualties
Using the "Terrorist Enemy No. 1" Spectacle to Rush Police State
The "Patriot Act" will probably go down in history as one of the
most unpatriotic acts ever -- a classic case of Orwellian double speak.
See also:
- Human Chip Implants Already Here
and in Use
- Operation TIPS -- U.S. Citizen Spy Program
Preserve Our Nation's Freedom
Stop the Homeland Security Department!
News Reports
- National ID
Card Gaining Support (Washington Post)- About 4 million are to be issued over the
next two years. (Dec. 17, 2001)
- UN: Every Person In
The World To Be Fingerprinted And Registered (Sidney Morning Herald) - Every
person in the world would be fingerprinted and registered under a universal ID scheme to fight
illegal immigration and people smuggling outlined at a UN meeting today. (Dec. 13, 2001.)
- CIA Expands Its Watchful Eye To
The U.S. (Christian Science Monitor) - The CIA is poised to get involved
in domestic surveillance and investigations in ways that are unprecedented in its history. (Dec.
17, 2001)
- Britain
is to be placed under a state of 'public emergency' (Observer.co.uk) part of an
unprecedented government move to allow internment without trial of suspected terrorists. (Nov.
11, 2001)
- Who
EU Calling a Terrorist? (Wired.com) - European lawyers have denounced a EU
proposal to establish a definition of terrorism so broad that it could include workers' strikes
or protests against globalization. (Dec. 3, 2001)
- - Plan would let agencies shut roads, cities during a
biological terror attack, comment on Free Press Washington story: Vast
quarantine role advocated for states (Nov. 7, 2001)
- Ashcroft
Eager to Expand Police Powers (NewsMax) - Attorney General John Ashcroft
says he will order U.S. law enforcement to immediately use broad new police powers contained in
an anti-terrorism bill once it becomes law. (10/26/01)
- Military
Shows Off Smart ID Card (Wired.com) - The Defense Department said it expected to
issue the chip-based "common access cards" to 4.3 million military personnel within
the next 15 months. (Oct. 29, 2001)
- One thing leads to another > Global
Command Considered (Washington Times) - Rumsfeld is considering creation of a global
command to fight a lengthy war on terrorism, a sure sign that the Pentagon is contemplating
covert combat in countries other than Afghanistan. (10/23/01)
- If world govt, why not headed in . . .> Moscow:
U.S. 'Blitzkrieg' Has Failed (WND) - Russia wants U.N. to 'act as a unifying body' in
war on terror. (10/23/01)
- Bush Contemplates National
ID Card for All Citizens (Drudge Report) 9/23/01)
- EU Governments to put all
Communications under Surveillance (Statewatch; 24 September
- Senate
OKs FBI Net Spying (Wired.com) - In a response to Tuesday's terrorist attacks,
the Senate votes to unleash Carnivore on the Internet. FBI and other police will be able to do
electronic wiretaps without court orders. (9/14/01)
- New-Fangled Security
May Be Coming (MSNBC) - Fingerprint readers, face scanning, other high-tech options
possible. (9/19/01)
- Implanted
Electronic Tag Can Track Terrorist Suspects (AFP) - A tiny chip, implanted
under the skin, that can track the location of terrorist suspects; "Big Brother"
device raises serious questions for civil liberties, as governments could use it to track
innocent people. (9/21/01)
- Face
ID Technology Could Be Part of Security Solution (CNS News) - Twenty-first
century technology could play a major role in combating any future terrorist attacks.
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Last updated on September 03, 2002

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