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Page II


Specific prophetic observations about 911, Sept. 11, 2001, the Day of Distress for the U.S. and the World -- a 'shot over the bow' or the 'beginning of the end'?  It's up to us.

Call for Reconciliation with our Muslim Brothers.

Page II Contents:
Toward a Christian ResponseShocking News Behind 911Political PolemicWe Deserve What We GotThe Other SideThe Lighter SideSee alsoRelated Sites

-- Go to Page I: Prophetic Implications --

U.S. Flag Posted in Midst of World Trace Centers Rubble Thursday
Beth Keiser/The Associated Press

Pennsylvania Crash Meant for Pentagon; Pentagon Plane Meant for Whitehouse - White House spared through bravery of passengers aboard downed Pennsylvania plane, causing White House plane to change course and target Pentagon instead. {or was the plane shot down? -- or both?}


Toward A Christian Response

  • (by SDA) - chemical, biological, nuclear warfare is not what we want.  Instead, let's repent, forgive, reconcile.
  • SIGN Petition of Reconciliation Between the Descendants of Ishmael (Muslim World) and Isaac (Jewish/Christian World) - Commencing ~5:00 PM MST (9/19/01)
  • - list of places to donate funds to those directly effected by Sept. 11 tragedy.
  • (Usman Farman): Brother, Take My Hand - Pakistani Muslim tells of his escape from building 7; assistance from a Jew:  "Brother, if you don't mind, there is a cloud of glass coming at us, grab my hand, lets get the hell out of here." 
  • (Bonnie): Turn the Other Cheek - does not mean letting the perpetrators off the hook but getting on with our lives and extending a loving frame of mind toward them and others who may have had sympathy for them, despite their animosity toward us.
  • (Dolly): Who's Right? - A heart changed; a world changed.
  • Don't Let Evil Take Over In Our Hearts (by Robert Kirby) - In situations like this, the real damage isn't what evil people do to us, but what we do to ourselves in the aftermath.
  • - people's hearts all over the world are uniting in prayer.
  • (Robertson and Falwell): Attacks a 'wake up call from God' - U.S. insulted God, lost protection of heaven
  • - tender feelings
  • - What happened Tuesday was prophesied and Written down to be a lot worse!! But we shifted it!
  • - When to forgive, when to seek justice
  • (by JJ Dewey) - the keynote to manifest from this tragedy is LOVE.
  • (by Randall) - eye for eye only perpetuates violence.  Gospel calls for forgiveness.
  • (by Laura) - the power of returning hatred with love
  • - Learn better how to defend ourselves without becoming that which we are trying to defend ourselves from !!!
  • (Utah) Community Alliance Issues Call for Tolerance, Diversity - Statement of Purpose


Shocking News Behind 911


Political/Economic Polemic


Did We Deserve What We Got?

  • (Anthony C. LoBaido): Judgment Day in Mystery Babylon? - "Having spent most of last year traveling through the Muslim world, I can say this: America has killed over 500,000 Iraqi children under the age of 5 years old with our anti-Saddam sanctions."
  • 12 Angry Men and 911 (Who's Right? opinions changing?) (by SDA) - a review of our decadence here in America; God/Allah's hand of retribution long overdue; may we mend our ways.
  • - need for introspection; the Muslims are not really off base in describing us as the great Satan, considering all the wickedness that has come upon our land and which we import to other lands.
  • (Paul Walter): WILL AMERICA REPENT? - Please forgive me for my honesty and bluntness, but for the most part we deserve what we've got. 
  • (by SDA) - 6,956 adults in one terrible day vs. 3,835 every day; and we say we didn't deserve Sept. 11?


The Other Side

"One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter"


The Lighter Side

  • - bush bids taliban bid ladin adieu; taliban snubs bush bid for ladin leaving; bush talent for taliban bashing evident; bush offers better barter for bitter afghans.


See also:

The following are exclusive indexes featured at Greater Things

  • 666-Mark of the Beast related studies - 666 and the New World Order (global socialism) tools of Big Brother control: Social Security Numbers, UPC bar codes, implantations.
  • Dreams and Visions of the Coming Calamities and Triumph - Eyewitness accounts of future economic collapse, massive earthquakes, marauders, Marshall Law, occupying troops, mark of the beast, concentrations camps, wilderness, trek to Zion, New Jerusalem, kingdom of God.
  • Human Microchip Implants Already in Use - Read news stories about current use of implants as well as of Digital Solutions' actual plans to produce the implants on a large scale.
  • Concentration Camps in U.S. - Index of sightings, photos, descriptions.
  • Dubya 'D Man - Why George W. Bush is insider's choice to bring in New World Order
  • Echelon Exposed in Alphabetics Code - Worldwide espionage network, under U.S.'s NSA and other world superpowers, can intercept two billion phone calls per day, along with faxes and e-mails and other electronic communication.


Related Sites:


return to main 911 index (page I)

Page I Contents:
-- Prophetic --
SummaryProphecies about Osama Bin LadenCodes AnalysisFlee BabylonVisions, DreamsNostradamusDirect PropheciesThis Day in HistoryWhat's Next?Prophetic Images Unintended Prophecy


Specific prophetic observations about 911, Sept. 11, 2001, the Day of Distress for the U.S. and the World -- a 'shot over the bow' or the 'beginning of the end'?  It's up to us.

Call for Reconciliation with our Muslim Brothers.

Page II created to reduce size of Page I on Sept. 14, 2001
Last updated on October 23, 2001


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