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A child is the responsibility of conscientious Parents, not the State.
Website dedicated to defending parental rights against
encroachments of the state upon the upbringing and care of children.
Only in cases of gross abuse should the state intervene on behalf of the
child. Abortion, for example, in which a parent takes the life of an
innocent fetus, is an instance where prosecution of the parent and
practitioners should be pursued.
General Overview
National Racket. Hundreds of thousands of children are taken
wrongfully from their parents and family guardians and put into state
custody. State gets money for each child taken. Division of Child
Services gets money for each child adopted out. Care under foster families
is twice as bad as natural homes on average. The same kind of thing
happens with disabled and elderly. Bottom line: break up the family to
bring them into State control and fear, while making a buck for the middle man.
Case Studies
- Parker Jensen Case -
State took Parker away from parents insisting he undergo chemotherapy.
Parents took child to Idaho. State charged Jensens with
kidnapping. Public outcry forced the state to back off.

- The Taking of Logan Marr -
The tragic story of a 5-year-old girl, taken from a mother who never abused
her, whose death while in foster care prompted the state of Maine to
reexamine its child welfare policies.

- More > FightForKids.com
> Message to Moms - Lists several cases where state imposes
grievous situations on children contrary to wishes of parents.
General Articles
- 'Parker'
bill could alter role of parents -
A bill passed by the state Senate this week would give Utah parents more
power in making medical decisions about their children -- more power, in
fact, than possessed by parents anywhere else in the country. (SL Tribune,
Feb. 14, 2004)
- Utah
Senate votes to boost parents' rights - approved a bill that would
require parents to be deemed incompetent before the state could mandate
medical treatment for their children. (SL Tribune,
Feb. 13, 2004)
- My Child,
My Choice - The Utah legislature is set to debate a host of bills
regarding parental rights this session, largely due to the fall out from the
Parker Jensen saga of the summer. (Utah Politics; January 13, 2004)
- The Parens
Patriae Powers - describes why DCFS or CPS or whatever state
organization thinks they own our children.
- Activists
protest "tyranny" of the DCFS - parental rights activists
spend their holiday knocking doors of lawmakers (SL Tribune, Dec.
26, 2003)
- Utah
is a showdown state in an activist movement - From Oregon to
Michigan, new parents' rights groups are rising with single-minded
purpose: to undo laws and policies they believe unfairly allow child
protection agencies to break up families. (Salt Lake Tribune;
Oct. 18, 2003)
Relevant Websites
"The Constitution of this
republic should make special provisions for medical freedom as well as
religious freedom. To restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny
equal privileges to others will constitute the Bastille of medical science.
All such laws are un-American and despotic."
-- Benjamin Rush, 18th Century Physician
Signer, The Declaration of Independence
Site created by SDA,
Aug. 31, 2003
Last updated June 01, 2004
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