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The following is an archive copy of a page that was posted April 1, 2003, posted without change here for historic purposes.  Click here for main Lear index.

April 1 & 2, 2003

Conference Call Your Congress Person with Rose Lear on Live Radio April 2; 8:00 - 10:00 am Central

<Congressmen go here for a briefing>

ACTION: Prepare to get your Congress Person on the phone with Rose Lear April 2 between 8:00 and 10:00 am Central Time for a Telephone Conference Bridge that will be aired live on the Ron Newman Radio Show, WBIG AM 1280, Chicago; broadcast internationally via the web.

PURPOSE: Get your congress person's reply recorded publicly on record in regard to important unanswered questions regarding unlawful enforcement of income tax laws against U.S. Citizens.  (See: Rose Lear's Press Release; March 31, 2003; includes Lear's eight questions.)

CONTEXT: Rose Lear is in her 28th day of a hunger strike to petition Congress to answer these long-evaded questions put forth by WeThePeople.  For more information, see

PREPARATION:  Call you congressman ahead of time to set an appointment for the phone call on April 2.  Go here to get phone number of your Congress Person.  (You need to have three-way calling on your phone to bring you and your congress person into the phone bridge, unless your congress person is willing to just call in themselves, without your mediation).

LOGISTICS: The Conference bridge (already set up) enables you to call into a phone number (617-517-3126) and then enter a pin number (9244).  All persons on this bridge will be live on the radio.  The call will be moderated by Ron Newman of WBIG AM 1280 in Chicago.  The call will be recorded and archived for future access on the internet. 


  1. Call your Congress Person
  2. Three-way call into the Telephone Bridge number: Dial 617-517-3126, then when prompted enter PIN: 9244, followed by "#" (pound key)
  3. Log online (click here for forum; select "new article") to inform the moderator that you are on the line with your congress person; give the name of the congress person and the STATE they represent, and whether they are from the Senator or the House of Representatives.  [If you do not have access online, then just announce your presence at an appropriate pause.]
  4. Wait for the moderator to invite you into the call.  Use #5 to mute and unmute your phone.  Please stay muted until you are invited to speak.
  5. Let your congress person speak with Rose Lear.
  6. Hang up.

>>GIVE A HEADS UP: If you have been able to schedule an appointment with a congress person or one of their representatives, please post to the forum who it is and what state they represent and when you are scheduled to call in.

>>REPORT DEADBEATS: If you attempt to reach your congressional delegation and they refuse to participate, please report that as well on the forum.  Give names and responses.  Let's get the entire Congress accounted for:  yea or nay or indifferent.

PRACTICE RUN: A practice run is scheduled for April 1, 3:45 PM Central time, for 1.25 hours, for you to call in and become familiar with the process. You do not need to involve your congress person in the practice run.

FORUM NOTE:  The forum can only show 300 messages at one time.  When that number is exceeded, the oldest message is deleted from view.  However, each post is sent by email to a moderator, and they can manually be posted publicly later.  All responses are chronicled.


More Information


Page created by Bradley Jordan (), Tuesday April 1, 2003.
Special thanks to who arranged the phone conference bridge.
Last updated Friday, April 04, 2003 08:36 AM MST
Received 453 visits between April 1 and 2.