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Rose Lear Replies to Congressman Hoekstra's Response

Rose Lear's conversation with Mike Zalvarovich (sp?) of Congressman's Hoekstra's office, April 2, 2003; ~3:30 pm Eastern Time; witnessed by Fred Smart, Sterling Allan, Mike Bodine, Thurston Bell.

Rose received a 4 page response today from Congressman Hoekstra's office and she is in complete and utter disagreement with this response which appears to be pathetic - just more passing the buck to the DOJ, etc.

<QUOTE (from recording)>

I came to Washington D.C. to get some answers to questions and what I get is [.unintelligible.]

fruitless to  [.unintelligible.]

I'm tired of getting this kind of crap time and time and time again.

You can tell Congressman Hoekstra, and you can tell John Dan Foster, I am not going to wait.

This is not acceptable.  Not at all.

You can also tell him this is going out on the Internet, so the American people can see what kind of response you get from a congressperson.

They're supposed to upholding our constitutional rights.  He hasn't even addressed the eight questions I gave them, let alone the other questions.

This isn't even Congressman Hoekstra's opinion, it is John Dan Foster's opinion.  It's an attorney's opinion.  He's citing Federal Judges instead of Supreme Court rulings which are clearly decided [.unintelligable.] to back up what we are saying.

Now I guess Federal Judges have more authority over Supreme court rulings.  Is that true?

(Staff reply: "Ma'am, I'm not in a position in this office to answer those kinds of questions.")

I have put my life on the line to get answers to some simple questions, and that is all I'm asking for.

Every congressional member knows about me.  Every congressional member is hearing from their constituency.  If you think that's going to stop, you're wrong.  It's going to increase.

And no, I am not going off my starvation fast.  I'm going to continue until I have these questions answered or I die.  And if I die, my death will be on your hands, John Dan Foster's hands, Congressman Hoekstra's hands, and every other congressional member and staff member in Washington D.C.

Do you have that now?

[Staff response:  "I'm sorry, Ma'am.  What was that, you're breaking up." (I was on the phone and it was not breaking up.)]

You're going to have a dead woman on your doorstep very soon.  I've gone 29 days without food.  How long can you last without food?


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Page posted Tuesday April 2, 2003.
Last updated Thursday, April 03, 2003 12:15 PM MST